Chloe Padlock Bag

So I’ve seen bags were there are mini padlocks on them for style…but this is definitely a first that I’ve seen a full sized padlock, meant to lock up your stuff. One of the better known ones is Chloe’s Padlock Bag, which retails for $1,875 at Nordstrom’s (see above). Yikes!! I’ve read some reviews on this bag and apparently, you are supposed to use the padlock to lock your bag for extra security. However, the extra security might be nice, but the hassle of getting in and out of your bag quick and easy isn’t. In addition, with the added padlock, it makes the bag weigh a lot more than it should. In my opinion, the heavier the bag, the less I want to carry it. Besides, if a robber really wants your bag, he’ll probably just steal it and still find a way to get your wallet, padlock or not. I say nay to Chloe’s Padlock Bag. If, however you like the style, Juicy Couture has a Padlock China Bag, which is a nice alternative. Their bag is also all leather and retails for $328 (see below). I believe Juicy’s bag doesn’t have the physical padlock to it, but is simply the design of the padlock, which will make the weight of the bag lighter.

Juicy Padlock Bag