An acquaintance of mine told me the other day how to take out from a buffet. For confidentiality reasons, this acquaintance of mine will remain anonymous. This was her step by step tutorial on how to take out from a buffet. 1) Prepare a large Ziploc bag inside your purse. The best type to use is the type with a plastic slider. This makes the opening and closing of the Ziploc bag much easier to access. Make sure to keep the Ziploc bag standing up with the opening at the top. 2) Grab the food or snacks you want to take home. The best types of foods to take are the ones tha can hold its shape in your purse. 3) When there is nobody around, quickly open your purse and Ziploc bag and throw in the food. 4) When finished, go ahead and zip close the Ziploc bag then close your purse. Make sure to leave a generous amount of tip for your server. You may want to come back again in the future. While exiting the buffet, try not to look too suspicious. This works, but I am not held accountable for your actions. This blog post is merely for our reader’s own entertainment. Feel free to let me know what you think…